What is dry humping?
Dry humping is a great form of foreplay and can even lead you to orgasm! So we’re looking at the dos and don’ts of dry sex and all the best positions. Dry sex or dry humping occurs when two individuals who are fully clothed (whether that means they really are fully clothed, or you are both just in underwear) grind against each other for sexual intercourse.
What are the benefits of dry humping?
There are so many benefits to dry sex, it’s insane. First of all: no pregnancy. As long as his juice of joy comes close to your vagina, it’s okay. Dry humping also takes you back to those teenage days when you found yourself in a euphoric state of heightened sexual arousal for hours. Grinding is also incredibly fantastic for females as it directly stimulates the clitoris and often causes orgasm, if not multiple.
All the things of dry sex: dos, don’ts, and the best positions for maximum pleasure
Do’s – Go for the finish line. If you were the girl who used to engage in a little pillow humping or grinding chair during solo masturbation, you’ll probably orgasm easily just by grinding your partner. So why not go for the O?
For some women, having an orgasm through grinding is much easier than penetrating. This happens because, duh, your clit is being rectified to perfection. If you are hot on your lover, catching a rhythm, and feeling sexy, feel free to cross that finish line.
Don’ts – Hide your orgasm from your partner. This is much more common than you think, especially for teenagers. If it’s your first time cumming after some timeless humping, don’t be embarrassed! And don’t think you have to hide it from your partner. Chances are they won’t think it’s weird that you’re going downstairs with your clothes on – they’ll think it’s hot!
Do’s – Remove some clothes. Dry sex implies you’re not swapping liquids, but that doesn’t mean all of your clothes have to stick around. Dry humping is like foreplay in speed. It is a high sexual level that runs through your entire body and creates a huge buildup of delicious tension. So if you feel the need to rip your partner’s shirt off and crawl one another until you’re grinding into your underpants, all the power to you.
Don’ts – wear jeans. As we mentioned, dry, sex can be performed with varying amounts of clothing. But please, if you keep all your clothes on during the act, don’t wear jeans! The trouble with jeans and swollen genitals like a rock star after a bar fight. Not well. Stay away from hard pants in general.
Stick to leggings, pajama bottoms, underwear, and joggers. Nylons are great too. All fabrics glide and slide easily against each other is great in our books.
Do’s – Try different positions. Just like regular sex, dry sex comes in a variety of positions that all have their benefits. Don’t feel like you have to stay in the missionary position to have a good time. * More on this below! *
Don’ts – Forget about foreplay! Just because you’re not going “all the way” doesn’t mean you have to forget about foreplay! For men, it’s usually easy, but girls need a little more mental and physical stimulation. Dry sex is basically a giant foreplay session, so make it work!
Kiss, caress, grope and moan. Go slow until you find your rhythm and accelerate as your excitement increases.
Do’s – Enjoy the fact that he’s not going to get preggers. Can I Get Pregnant From Dry Humping? This search query returns approximately 1,390,000 results. Paranoid, a lot? Take comfort in the fact that you guys can do some stress-free frisky. You can’t get pregnant from dry humping. Sperm does not travel through clothing. As long as his semen does not make contact with your vagina, there will be no more babies coming out of you!
Don’ts – do it in a full house. Just because your clothes are on Means you can’t get caught! Dry sex can be just as loud as full intercourse, complete with rocking and loud noises. So, if you’re thinking of getting away with some sexy pant-on-pant action in a house full of people, think again.
The best positions for dry humping
Now that you know the dos and don’ts you are probably wondering about the best positions to get your job done. Dry sex is all about creating friction. This means that creating positions can be a little tricky, but certainly satisfying. Here are three of the best positions for wearing clothes.
Missionary. Missionary is great for grinding, as it provides direct stimulation to the clitoris. Keep the communication open and let your man know what’s good and where he’s hitting your nether regions best. For more direct stimulation, he spreads your lips from under your panties and presses him against you.
Cowgirl. Arguably one of the best positions ever for dry sex, cowgirl puts the woman on the hot seat. Cowgirl is in a great position for dry sex for the same reasons she is penetrated.
It gives the woman complete control of how fast, how hard she is, and in what pace or direction she wishes to stimulate her clitoris. Ladies, we know you can go wild when you’re on top, so be sure to ask your partner if what you’re doing is good for them. Would you mind being on the cusp of cumming as you bruise your man’s junk from your hard grind!
Spooning. Spooning is a nice, lazy position for dry sex. This gives your partner some great butt action, but a little clit stimulation. For a great mix, have your man grind your butt while he rubs your clit with his hand over your panties.
When done right, dry sex is truly amazing. Follow our do’s, don’ts, tips, and tricks for a great experience that grinds your partner to the finish!